Friday, June 20, 2008

The New Zimbabweans

Hie all. I've been very disturbed, as has everyone I think, by the recent events in Zimbabwe. It seems crazy that in 2008 a people should find themselves in a situation so far removed from the hopes and dreams of their childhood as we have. 2008. It is so sad, so unbelievably sad.

This brings me to consider the new Zimbabweans as I like to call them. Or rather, us. It seems to be one that is found on the pages of social sites, emails and chat forums. We are no longer found in one geographical place, but everywhere you can imagine. One of my schoolmates is in Cyprus! I know someone else in Uraq!

This is not a bad thing because, really, the world has become smaller. Immigration is now commonplace. It is simply a reaction to the supply and demand in a global market that is focused on getting the most educated and, increasingly, entreprenurial people.

What is sad for us is that we can no longer go home or kumusha to be together once a year or however often because there is nothing there anymore. What of us who have no where to return? Where do we belong?

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