Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Settling into Life

Hie all. I am in Cape Town, the most beautiful place I have ever been. Africa is truly amazing.

When I came here from Zimbabwe I was broken hearted, unable to find a meaningful reason to continue living. There is my daughter of course but I had decided that my sister would be as loving a mother as I am to her. I would watch over her always and make sure she never missed my spirit but my human self would be gone. I was uncomfortable in my body, broken down in my soul and looking for a final contentment before crossing over. I am not afraid to die even now but have decided to stay a while longer. As much as life has all this pain, it also has tremendous joy.

I have begun to again feel a buzz, things I enjoy and a reason to add a decade or so to my life. I am settling into life more everyday. And a lovely little life it is turning out to be.

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