Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Making Girls Love Themselves

Hie. I'm a mother to a 4 year old girl and I love her dearly. Today I read an article that disturbed me greatly. It talked about 10 year old girls getting bikini waxes. It talked about how the billion dollar fashion industry is targeting young girls by making them hate themselves earlier! Read 6 or 7 years old. My goodness was I upset! So were many mothers who post on one of the forums I belong to.

Today I feel vindicated in some of the decisions I have made about my daughter and I and the life we will live. I have chosen to move to a small country and to raise my daughter to be confident and to believe in herself. I choose to teach her to love books and sports, the outdoors and food. I will show her how to laugh everyday and that there is no shame in crying. As long as you can smile again when you're done.

There are things that we shall not take part in because they erode your soul and leave you feeling empty. She shall not have to go down that path. Been there, done that and just the knowledge that it exists shall be enough for her.

Love she will get from me. By the bucketload. But also discipline. And patience. In our eagerness to enjoy life we shall not forget to leave the earth better than we found it. We shall not forget to be kind and considerate. We shall continue to be blessed. Because we shall continue to bless.

I know now that I am right and that sometimes going slower than everyone else is ok.

Much love.

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