Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The New Zimbabwe

It is with great pleasure that I announce the signing of a power-sharing deal between Morgan Tsvangirai and Robert Mugabe. It has been long coming and often it seemed there was no hope of finding common ground. As it is, there is still a lot of work to be done. The country needs food, clean water, electricity, fuel and teachers. We need our hospitals to have doctors, nurses and medicines. We need the phones to work, jobs to be available, money in the banks and faith in our financial institutions. Make no mistake, this is a big step, but the real work starts now.

Last night, as I watched the two leaders as well as Thabo Mbeki speaking, I was filled with wonder, hope and faith. I can't be the only one who thought this might never happen. At times I imagined there would be a full scale war. But they have shown us that patience does pay and for those who have endured, may the pay off be better than they expected.

Tsvangirai spoke so well. He has taken so much pain, been attacked, villified and he has come through with his dignity intact. It takes a big man to do what he has done, been through what he has and not be bitter. I secrectly thank his wife too. She must be one of his secret weapons...Thank you Prime Minister Tsvangirai.

Thank you Mr Mbeki. I have been a critic of your methods in the past but today I thank you.

President Mugabe, thank you too. May we bring our country to its former glory swiftly.


Anonymous said...

Yes we r all watching with...with...a cautious hope. We want to see some real change in Zimbabwe but yet do not want to expect amazing changes lest we be heavily disappointed. I,myself have unfortunately gone into 'off'mode. So worried abt the state of the nation and of cause family to the point of no sleep...so to allow myself sleep I act as though it does not exist. Sad I know, but each to his own right?

Anonymous said...

I realised after putting my post here that this old...this is before all the other things that all have gone through. What is your thoughts today? What is your view in Feb 2009???