Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New Times

There is no question that the world is in a state of change. Everyday we are reminded of food shortages, riots, political instability and economic woes. People have lost faith in politics and politicians, business leaders and even the traditional forms of religion.

I have said it before and I will repeat it here. The time of the politician is over. Now the world needs leaders. Men and women of compassion, of courage, of action and of truth.

The time of organised religions that are contradictory and hypocritical; saying one thing and doing another are over. Now is the time for a new faith based on love and the enjoyment of life. Based on looking after each other and looking after one's inner being. Of light and the true love of God.

The time has come for each of us to look deep inside and then act out what we know to be true otherwise our reflection doesn't mean anything.

And now is the time for joy, for looking at the world again and seeing its beauty reflected in everything.

Much love

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